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My Work

Here are some recent pieces of my work that I've designed for either professional or personal use!

Lancia Mood Board


Lancia Mood Board

This project is a mood board for the automobile company Lancia. I completed this in my International Marketing class that I attended studying abroad. I was asked to create a "vintage" styled mood board, highlighting the company's history.


Dior Logo Rebrand

This is a rebranding project I completed in my Marketing class at UC. We were asked to take a logo and re-design it with a more "modern"  approach. I chose Dior because of its luxury look and font choice for their original logo. 

Dior Logo Rebrand
AKPsi T-Shirt Design


AKPsi T-Shirt Design

I designed this t-shirt design for my professional business fraternity. It includes our pledge class semester and year as well as all the inducted members.


Halloween Event Flyer

As I was on the Social Committee in AKPsi, I was asked to create this flyer for our Halloween event last Fall. I enjoyed utilizing beige and "dated" styled elements to design this flyer.

AKPsi Halloween Flyer

© 2024 by Annika. Thomas. All rights reserved.

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